Blue Christmas

Join us for our Blue Christmas service at 6:00
On Thursday, December 21st!


Nursey and Childcare

Childcare is available in the church nursery during the morning Worship service for children ages 6 weeks – 3 years. The Nursery is located on the main level of the church behind the sanctuary. The volunteers who staff the nursery have experience working with young children and safety clearance.To visit the nursery, register your child for nursery care or for more information please call the church office so that a member of our Discipleship Team can contact you.    Church office: 208-983-0052

Childrens Church

Children, four years old through 5th grade, will be excused from the Worship Service for Children’s Church upstairs in the Fellowship Hall. This is a special time for children to grow in every aspect of their relationship with Jesus Christ and in the knowledge of His Word, the Bible. Our leaders have a passion for teaching God’s word and a deep desire to see children know, love, and serve the Lord. Each leader has experience working with children and a background check.During this time, children have the opportunity to learn in both active and quiet ways through: Prayer and Praise, Bible Learnin, Offering / Giving to missions, Engaging in activities like crafts and games

Children Sunday School

10:30am to 11:30am is a time of Faith Development and Bible Learning for children and youth. Leaders in Sunday school are seasoned teachers who use the word of God and Bible based curriculum to help your child learn and grow in the Good News of Jesus. Children’s Sunday school participants meet downstairs.

Discipleship Room 1:  Elementary children Preschool age 4 through 5th grade

Discipleship Room 2: Youth grades 6th through 12th.

Office Hours


10:00am - 3:00pm


10:00am - 3:00pm


10:00am - 3:00pm

We invite you to check us out in person or online! 

Don't be shy. Let us know if you have any questions!

More Info



Phone: (208) 983-0552

[email protected]

515 W N 2nd Street Grangeville, ID 83530